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2020 International Conference on Intercultural Multimodal Communication
Saturday & Sunday, 12 & 13 December 2020

Program 会议议程

Sponsored by the College of Foreign Studies, Hunan Normal University
Hosted by the Center for Cognitive Science, Hunan Normal University

Changsha, Hunan

All times and dates in China Standard Time. You can use this service to convert to your times and dates.

Time: 12-13 December 2020. Online platform: Tencent Meeting, ZOOM. Venue: Room 613, Foreign Studies College, Hunan Normal University 

Each presentation slot is 45 minutes, within which there is a period at the end of about 10 minutes for both Q & A and a break.

Day 1, Saturday, 12 December 2020

  • 8:30-9:00.  Opening ceremony. Host: TANG Jianwen, Secretary of CPC Committee, Foreign Studies College, Hunan Normal University
    • Welcome by Prof. Jiang Hongxin, Secretary of CPC Committee, Hunan Normal University
    • Comments by the Leader of the Department of Science and Technology, Hunan Province Government
    • Comments by Prof. Mark Turner, Case Western Reserve University
    • Comments by Prof. ZENG Yanyu, Dean of Foreign Studies College, Hunan Normal University
    • Screening of a short video, “World-class Disciplines”
  • 9:00–9:45. Mark Turner, Case Western Reserve University. Title: Mistaking Our Futures. Host: Prof. DENG Yunhua.
  • 9:45-10:30 LIANG Xiaobo. Professor and Dean of School of Liberal Arts of Sciences, National University of Defense Technology. Title: Memories of wars: A multimodal study of war heroes and heroines on the website of British Imperial War Museum. Host: Prof. DENG Yunhua
  • 10:30-11:15 Amy Elizabeth Cook, The State University of New York at Stony Brook. Title: Gesturing toward the future: Casting & Gesture in Forced Entertainment’s “Complete Works: Table Top Shakespeare.” Host: Prof. TANG Yanling.
  • 11:15-12:00. CHEN Minzhe, Foreign Studies College, Hunan Normal University. Title: A multimodal construction of the Chinese dream: A Case study of the multimodal metaphors and metonymies in Mengwa. Prof. TANG Yanling.
  • Noon Break
  • 14:30-15:15. Stefka Georgieva Eriksen, Norwegian Institute for Cultural Heritage Research. Title: Old Norse sagas about Vikings, Saracens, and Buddha: Misunderstandings or cultural adaptations? Host: Prof. WAN Guangrong.
  • 15:15-16:00 Andrew Wilson, University of Oxford. Title: The transmission of mechanical technologies between the Classical Mediterranean and ancient China. Host: Prof. WAN Guangrong

Day 2,Sunday, 13 December 2020

  • 8:30-9:15 Francis F. Steen, University of California, Los Angeles. Title: Epistemic modulations in English and Chinese. Host: Prof. XIAO Yuehai.
  • 9:15-10:00 Martin Woesler, Foreign Studies College, Hunan Normal University. Title: Virtual communication between machines with the human as their object: A new stage of multimodal communication after oral, written, printed, electronic and machine-human communication. Host: Prof. XIAO Yuehai.
  • 10:00-10:45 Vera Tobin, Case Western Reserve University. Title: The Case of Disappearing Ironies: A Multimodal Story. Host: Dr. QIN Yong.
  • 10:45-11:30. WEN Xu, Professor of linguistics and Dean of College of international Studies at Southwest University,Chongqing, China. Title: Visual metaphors in news cartoons on COVID-19 in China. Host: Dr. QIN Yong.
  • Noon Break
  • 14:30-15:15 Cristóbal Pagán Cánovas, University of Murcia/University of Tübingen. Title: The cross-cultural patterns of poetic performance in oral traditions: multimodality, communication, and cognition
  • 15:15-16:00 Anna Wilson, University of Oxford. Title: Towards a Theory of Interdisciplinarity: Multimodal Blending in Teaching and Learning in Area Studies. Host: Associate Prof. PENG Yi.
  • 16:00-16:10 Closing comments by Prof. Mark Turner, Case Western Reserve University. Host: Associate Prof. JIANG Lihua.